Kappa Delta Rho Timeline
DEVELOPER NOTES: Significant dates go here and then they will be inserted to the master timeline. Please remember that this is just an outline. This space will be used to a summary of the timeline at a future date.
NOTE: Please DATE every event as much ass possible. Please use this method: "April 14 1971:" (Month Date Year Colon >>> no comma's as this is the standard we have adopted on the master timelines. Also please make the first sentence of the description as shot as possible to be pasted into the UPJ Master TimeLine. Please indicate in boldface type those items you would like considered for the master timeline. Remember, the master timeline is for those events that are significant to all Greeks: e.g. Greek Week champions, Intramural Champions, Philanthropy, etc
Kappa Delta Rho's National Founding
Kappa Delta Rho (ΚΔΡ) was founded in room 14 of Old Painter Hall at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont on May 17, 1905. Middlebury was the site of three other national fraternities during that eventful first year, namely Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Delta Upsilon. However, not finding these organizations to their liking, the founders of the fraternity chose the more difficult, and ultimately successful, course of creating their own new organization. Kappa Delta Rho was the creation of a group of men from the Middlebury Commons Club by ten principal founders: George Edwin Kimball, Irving Thurston Coates, John Beecher, Pierce Wordsworth Darrow, Thomas Howard Bartley, Benjamin Edward Farr, Gideon Russell Norton, Gino Arturo Ratti, Chester Monroe Walch and Roy Dyer Wood.
The first year was busy: Founders Kimball, Walch and Ratti met by committee to draft the ritual, open motto, and a constitution. Walch created the fraternity's secret motto and password.
For its organizational structure, the founders chose Roman nomenclature for fraternity positions, evocative of Roman values. Ratti, who had previous artistic experience, designed the coat of arms and helped develop the ritual. He also chose the fraternity's colors and flower . This flurry of activity was soon noticed by a representative from Delta Tau Delta fraternity, who met with the founding members to discuss absorption of KDR into DTD. While the Founders indeed had expressed some interest in joining a national fraternity, the debate soon turned against this idea. In Kimball's words: “We had decided that we preferred to paddle our own canoe and took no further action in the matter.” Yet the idea of national expansion took root, and by 1913, KDR had established its second chapter, Beta, at Cornell, and soon after, its third chapter, Gamma, at SUNY Albany |
In 1980, the National Board of Directors established a new expansion policy, which set a new direction for the fraternity. A renewed interest in Greek life was growing on American college campuses. It was a welcomed change from the early 1970's. In 1981 the new expansion policy began to show success with chapters at Robert Morris College and Slippery Rock State College. The chapter roster expanded in 1982 to include six new chapters, the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Illinois State University, Gannon University, West Virginia University, Columbia University, and Temple University, and the reactivation of the C.W. Post College chapter. Rutgers University and the University of Toledo chapters joined KDR in 1984.
Kappa Delta Rho Johnstown Timeline
1980 - 1981
1980 - 1981
DEVELOPER NOTES: THIS column, the right hand column of each academic year has an image place holder. Once we have more than one image for an academic year the images will be converted to slideshows. |
1981 - 1982
1981 - 1982
President: Fall Active Brothers: Winter Active Brothers: House Location: Fall Pledge Class Brothers: Winter Pledge Class Brothers: