Filed under Opinions
It’s no secret that a college student’s life can be hard. Seemingly endless study hours, overwhelming workload and prospective career decision can be tough.
When an unexpected tragedy or crisis is thrown into this mix, dealing with negative emotions can be difficult.
For those students suffering from mental trauma or depression, it may be comforting to know they have support in our community.
The Pitt-Johnstown Health and Wellness Office counselors offer the help.
Providing free individual, group and crisis counseling, councelors attempt to aid those experiencing discomfort, grief or loss.
By continually establishing new protocols, procedures and interventions, councelors help provide a transition to emotional stability.
In situations such as the recent passing of Marine and Delta Chi brother Brian Gindlesperger, these services may prove exponentially supportive.
It is rewarding to know that, when a student finds that times are getting tough, the Pitt-Johnstown community offers assistance and rallies behind those in need.
However, grieving students cannot receive assitance if they do not make their distress known.
Those suffering emotional distress should take it upon themselves to take advantage of these services.
Although Pitt-Johnstown faculty and staff are not able to prevent these tragedies, their willingness to pitch in to improve the campus and community should make them proud.
Those not involved should see these services as an inspiration to get out and help the community.
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