November 16, 2016
According to Finance and Administration Vice President Amy Buxbaum, Buckhorn and Sunset lodges are in a design stage for renovation with a combined cost of $2.8 million.
“These two lodges were identified specifically in the campus strategic plan as a priority.
“The update is needed to bring these buildings to the standard of the other lodges. The other lodges have received significant renovation within the past 10 years,” Buxbaum said.
The renovation over the summer is to include the addition of sprinklers, an updated electrical system and new furniture.
New carpets, wall finishes and ceiling tiles are also set to be updated, being worked on by two Johnstown companies, according to Buxabaum.
JPT Architects was selected for the design, and they are working with CJL Engineering on the project.
“The project is not scheduled to be bid for construction until January with the goal of completing the construction during the summer of 2017.”
Kappa Delta Rho President Zak Muto said he has lived in Sunset 2 for three years and thinks the renovations are long overdue. (See "Housing renovations to be finished sooner" March 2015, "Greeks plan to demand better lodges" Feb 2014)
“There has been a lot of talk of a fully refurbished interior with new ceilings, walls and floors.
“I would hope that is still the case and would love to come back and visit after graduating this year, and see that all the proposed changes actually happened,” Muto said.
Muto also said the renovations hopefully will attract more fraternity pledges.
“Coming down and seeing the atmosphere provided along with a refreshed interior will be a big step toward the growth of Kappa Delta Rho.”
Muto said there is no real incentive to take care of Sunset 2 when so much is wrong with the place.
“There are a lot of times we get asked how certain things got broken, and, usually, the issue dates back before anyone that currently is on campus was even enrolled at (Pitt-Johnstown).”
“If this were to happen, we would have a place to call home that we are proud of and want to see kept in the best condition it can be.
“I hope the end result turns the south lodges into a place people look forward to going back to after classes and enjoy during the weekends.”